License Management
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Users with an installation of within their own Self-Hosted private cloud or on-premise environment will manage the of the Projects within that environment through valid License Key(s). These keys are implemented within the environment variables for the associated deployment and managed by users.
To access and manage the keys, License Managers will log into the SaaS portal at and navigate to the License Management page found in the left-hand navigation bar, or by clicking the username dropdown. You must be a License Manager User in order to access and manage the License Key.
Contact to become a License Manager for your deployment
The License Management page will display all licenses associated with the License Manager's account. The License line item will summarize information such as the License Key name, Start/End dates, and all the Managers associated with the License Key. Users will typically only have one license key they manage, but some users may have multiple keys associated with different environments.
Clicking the carrot icon next to the License Key Name will expand the License details. The left-hand navigation tabs will guide the user through all of the utilization options such as API and PDF Servers, Projects, and Tenants.
Not all of these utilizations will be available depending on what has been purchased for your specific License.
Clicking the API or PDF Server tab will display all of the servers associated with the License. information for the servers such as what environment the server resides in, and the ability to manage the utilization. For example, you may need to disable the status of one API server to provide an allocation to a different server you're trying to spin up.
Environment ID: The Environment ID the Server is associated with. Use the status endpoint within your environment to view the ID associated with your deployment:
The URL will output the server version, the associated schema, and the Environment ID. The Environment ID can then be matched up with the ID found within the License Management page. This can help you determine what environment the server resides in.
The PDF server will have the same environment ID as the API Server if the two servers are associated with the same database string within the environment.
Host Name: Links an environment with the Enterprise server network host it was created on.
Mongo Hash: MD5 hash of the mongoDB configuration which is useful for server logging and is an additional way to tie the user's database to the associated environment
Status Toggle: Click the Toggle to disable the server utilization for the environment. Disabling will free up another server utilization for your environment. Disabling or deleting the utilization will not spin down the server. See Deleting a License Utilization for more information
Delete: Removes the server utilization from the License Management UI. This does not disable the functionality of the server within the self-hosted environment.
The Project tab lists all Projects associated with the given License Key. License Managers can manage the utilization of the Project, Stages, and connected Form Manager Applications.
To reinstall the Portal Base Project, delete the project within the Database, restart the environment container, and the Portal Base Project will be recreated.
Simply deleting the Portal Base Project and reinstalling it will inadvertently consume a Project allocation within the license scope.
Title: Title of the Project
Name: The live endpoint name of the Project
FM: When checked, indicates if the Form Manager application is enabled for the Project. Clicking the carrot icon next to the Project title will show which stage within that project has the Form Manager enabled.
Project ID: ID found within the environment URL of the Project
Environment ID: The Environment ID the project resides in. This ID will match the associated server Environment ID within the same license.
Status / Delete: Click the Status to disable the project utilization and delete to remove the utilization from the License Management UI. Disabling or deleting the utilization will not remove the project from the environment. See Deleting a License Utilization for more information
Stages: Stage utilization associated with the Project. License Managers can modify the utilization of these Stages just like the Project utilization.
Each Project will have 7 utilization stages available.
The Tenants tab lists all associated Tenants within the given License Key and Project. License Managers can manage the utilization of all Tenants within the License Key. Expanding the Tenant line item will display all Stages within that Tenant. The same Project and Stage utilization information is available here including IDs and the ability to disable the utilization.
Deleting a License utilization like an API Server, Project, or Tenant from the License Management page does not delete this item from the database. When deleted, the utilization is simply removed from the License Key which is helpful when cleaning up the UI for unused utilizations.
Deleted Project, Stage, or Tenant utilizations will reactivate if the Project or Stage is opened again by a user within the self-hosted environment.
Spinning down an API or PDF server from the database does not remove the associated License utilization and will need to be manually removed or disabled within the License Management UI.
The License Manage User Interface is simply a log of the different Server and Project utilizations that are active. Deleting or disabling a utilization simply updates the License Management reporting UI and does not shut down or disable a database, server, or project. It’s important to note that anytime an Environment or Project is spun up or interacted with within your environment, an outbound ping is sent to the License server and the utilization will be logged within the License Management UI. When spinning down a Database, ensure you are also disabling the environment within your License Management.
If your License issue persists after reading through this troubleshooting guide, contact
Access License Management tab within your production portal as a License Management user.
Check the End Date of your license to ensure the license has not expired
If you encounter the following error when accessing your Project, you may have reached the allocation project limit within your license scope, or your Project status is turned off.
Error accessing project: Project license utilization is disabled
Double-check your license scope by walking through the following steps
Copy your Project ID from the URL endpoint within the browser
Within the License Management UI, click the Projects tab
Search for the Project ID copied in step 1
If the License has available projects within the scope, simply click the Status button for the Project and then the Save Projects License. Refreshing the Project should resolve the error.
If the License has reached the maximum Project allocations, (as shown in the sceenshot below - Projects 10/10), you will need to free up a Project allocation slot.
Click the Status button to disable an active project within your License scope and click the Save Projects License button
With the additional Project allocation available, toggle the Status button for the Project you want to allocate and click the Save Projects Licenses button
If everything on the Project side checks out, ensure your API Server status is active. Since many users may have servers running on different environments, it's important to identify the environment the issue is occurring.
Within your environment, input the following URL endpoint within your browser
Copy the Environment ID
Within your License Management, click the API Server or PDF Server tab
Search for the Environment ID and determine whether the server Status is active
Disable an active server by clicking the Status button and then Save API Servers Licenses
Click the Status button for the Server you wish to activate and then Save API Servers Licenses
Another avenue for troubleshooting is reviewing your container logs. These logs will often give you detailed information on what server is failing, the ID associated with the environment, and more.
The following showcases the same workflow example detailed in the Is my API/PDF Server Active? section, only this time, the errors will be examined from the Container log perspective.
Review your Container logs and take note of license validation errors
Take note of the Environment ID within the validation error
Within your License Management, click the API Server or PDF Server tab
Search for the Environment ID and determine whether the server Status is active
Disable an active server by clicking the Status button and then Save API Servers Licenses
With an API Server allocation available, you should be able to restart your Container with success. With the Container successfully deployed, you will still need to activate the API Server allocation within your License Management.
Within the API Server tab of your License Management UI, click the Status button for the Server you wish to activate and then Save API Servers Licenses