Developer License

A local deployment license for the platform used for development and testing purposes.

What is a Developer License?

The Developer License enables developers to spin up and down instances of the platform locally on the developer's machine allowing for local development and testing without affecting the remotely deployed platform configuration.

The local deployments must be connected to a local database. The developer license allows for local deployments of projects, stages, forms, and API/PDF servers.

‌The developer license is priced on a per-seat basis. Customers with a subscription for a remotely deployed configuration containing 3 or more API Server Environments are eligible to order a Developer License.

Contact for more information on the Developer License

Developer License Script

With a developer license, servers can be locally deployed and connected to a single local MongoDB. Please note you will not be able to use the "replicaSet" option for the connection or connect to any remote databases. All connections must be to a local database.

docker network create formio || true && \
mkdir ~/opt/mongodb || true && \
docker run -itd  \
  --name formio-mongo \
  --network formio \
  --volume ~/opt/mongodb:/data/db \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  mongo && \
docker run -d \
  -e "MONGO=mongodb://localhost:27017/formio" \
  -e "PORTAL_ENABLED=true" \
  -e "" \
  -e "PDF_SERVER=http://pdf-server:4005" \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --link pdf-server:pdf-server \
  --network formio \
  --name formio-server \
  -p 3000:80 \
  formio/formio-enterprise && \
mkdir ~/minio/data || true && \
mkdir ~/minio/config || true && \
docker run -itd \
  --network formio \
  --name formio-minio \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  -p 9000:9000 \
  -v ~/minio/data:/data \
  -v ~/minio/config:/root/.minio \
  minio/minio server /data && \
docker run -itd \
  -e "MONGO=mongodb://mongo:27017/formio" \
  -e "FORMIO_S3_SERVER=minio" \
  -e "FORMIO_S3_PORT=9000" \
  -e "FORMIO_S3_BUCKET=formio" \
  --network formio \
  --link formio-mongo:mongo \
  --link formio-minio:minio \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  --name pdf-server \
  -p 4005:4005 \

Last updated

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