License Utilization Checks
License Utilization Requests
Certain requests to the API Server will require checks against your license before proceeding. These come in 2 different flavors: cached and blocking.
Cached License Utilization
These utilizations cache for 3 hours. On cache miss, a blocking license check is made. While inside the cache window, these requests are sent in the background.
Utilization Type
Submission Request
Listing Submissions
Creating Submissions
Patching Submissions
Updating Submissions
Retrieving Submission by ID
Interacting with some pages in the portal use several of these requests in a single page load to display / modify data
Form Request
Retrieve Form
Retrieve form Draft
Updating / Creating new forms does not incur a utilization
Blocking Utilization Checks
All other utilization checks are blocking in nature. They must receive a response from the license server before allowing the action to proceed.
This is a listing of portal routes, and relevant license utilization checks that may be made as part of it. Which checks are made depend on individual setup.
Potential License Checks
GET /project
tenant | stage
GET /project/:projectId
formManager | Accessibility | project | stage | tenant
POST /project
project | stage | tenant
PUT /project/:projectId
project | stage | tenant
DELETE /project/:projectId
project | stage | tenant
GET /project/:projectId/manage
POST /form
PUT /form/formId
PUT /form/:formId/draft
PATCH /form/:formId
DELETE /form/:formId
Last updated
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